Choi Family Fun

It will be eight years ago, this November, since we opened our first Hanji Gifts location in beautiful Koreatown Toronto. We really feel deeply rooted and established now in Toronto and in our communities. With those connections, we feel a strong bond with our regular customers and want to share our world with all of you! For eight years I have thoroughly enjoyed those chats by the cash register with so many of you and I often find that I am sharing updates about our family as you share updates with me too. People ask about our daughter and how quickly she is growing and ask how Hyun Suk is doing. Customers admire Hyun Suk's  incredible carpentry skills when they inquire as to who built all our shop displays. With the launch of our Youtube channel, Hyun Suk and I decided that it would be fun to also give you all a window into our lives, as so many of you have shared such touching stories about your lives with us as well!

Check out our latest video from when Hyun Suk gifted me an incredible raised garden house that he built himself, in our backyard. It was such a touching moment and I am excited to share with you how proud I am of his carpentry skills too!

Do you have ideas of great video content that would be of interest to you? We would love to hear your feedback! 

Subscribe to our channel to get updates and find out when we publish new content too! 


Catherine Choi 

1 comment

  • Hi there! My name is Caroline. Last November 2019 in the middle of the night I passed out your beautiful store. My boyfriend and me were heading to a dinner with his friends and the minute my eyes crossed through your display I knew I needed to come inside. Luckily we finished earlier and my boyfriend insisted me to go inside… as corny and stupid it might sound your store brought the “old” me from the bottom of my heart. I am Mexican and I also lived 11 years in Chile. I used to buy the best letter cards for my friends and developed this deep sense of caring for the ones I loved even by wrapping out their presents as nice as I could. Then, as most people were telling me that it was no use I just stopped. When I came into your shop I wanted to get everything!!! The girl (whose name I could not remember by know, I am so sorry!) was so so so nice and she was feeling happy that I was mesmerized by every single product you have. I wanted to bring with me the entire shop and now… I began to write to my beloved ones. I look forward to move back to Toronto and visit regularly your shop. Thank you. Thank you with all my heart for your shop. It made me realize that I am not the only one caring for such beautiful things…Sincerely, Caroline


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